What do Japanese capsule hotels, green roofs and filter masks have in common? These were all ideas thrown out by a few of India's current cache of foreign interns during a quick brainstorming session on possible social business ventures ... SBV Summit Participants: Alysa Zhang, Dial 1298; Caetano Siqueira, Sustaintech; Conall Dempsey, Embrace; Diana Jussupova, The Hub; Irena Radeva, Vaatsalya; Irinia Snissar, SSP; Mariana Araujo, Adharam Energy; Quentin de Pret, Aurolab; ...
(en) A clarifying note: * The weight of excrements produced by the hotels was calculated based on the number of guests who can be accommodated and the average daily amount of excrement produced by an adult, provided that he is not a ...
blackout hits during thaci address at pristina media centre ``an electricity failure interrupted for while the speech of prime minister hashim thaci on sunday at a press conference in pristina's grand hotel.'' ...